Projecte Pandero

There are not many sites in the world where remained in the memory traces of the use of square tambourine. Catalonia is one of the few that stands aut for its wealth of tunes, the curious liturgy about he instrument, its repertoire and for have the bigger and beautiful tambourines in the galaxy.

PROJECTE : : PANDERO means "tambourine project" in catalan lenguage. This trio headed by Guillem Ballaz brings to light old traditional tunes of square tambourine. To sing these songs needed to improvise the lyrics at he moment, as a kind of old hip hop dating since the sixteenth century.

The Pandero Project is an album of author based on some of the old songs of square tambourine. The choice of tunes has been made from the heart searching for the essence of a channel where could sail the word. Tradition alive.

(Square tamborurine from eighteenth century)